World Championship
2nd Billiard-Hockey & 1st Multitable
May 8 – 11, 2008 — Most, Czech Republic

Official Invitation

Prague, June 15, 2007

Dear table hockey players all around the world.

In the name of World Table Hockey Association I would like to invite you to the 2nd World billiard-hockey Championship and 1st World multitable Championship.
In May 2008 we will find out new world billiard-hockey champions and also best all-around players - world multitable champions! Be a part of table hockey history, take a part at the world championship.
We would be pleased to prepare for you good conditions and we would be pleased to meet all of you in Most. Are you a player of any kind of table hockey? Come to Most and become multitable player!

The basic facts about the tournament

Term: May 8 - 11, 2008
Venue: Most, Czech Republic - Ice-hockey stadium
Most is situated round 90 km North-West from Prague.

We expect players and teams from European countries (e.g. Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Italy, ...) and from overseas as well (e.g. U.S.A., Canada, Austraila, ...). We hope to meet many more players, not only from mentioned countries.

All tournament information are presented on championship website - Important information is also sent by email (WTHA News maillist) - if you are not a member of the maillist yet, connect us.

Information about / entry to championship

Jakub Hasil - WTHA
Skupy 2432/200, CZ 434 01 MOST
mobile: +420-603 337 054

Yours faithfully

Jakub Hasil
WTHA president

How to take a part?

World championship 2008 - individuals - all table hockey disciplines

World championship 2008 - teams - all table hockey disciplines

Czech Open 2008 - billiard-hockey

Czech Open 2008 - air-hockey

If you are not sure about anything, connect us anytime.

WTHA asks all participants to play in jerseys (preferebly national team jerseys) - if it is possible. Thanks

Sponsors & partners

Championship logo

Official main partner

Logo United Energy

Official partners

Logo HC Most Logo BAPW Logo AB Stain Logo Dům Barev Logo Oriflame Logo G7, a.s. - pohonné hmoty Logo 15. ZŠ Most Logo První mostecká, a. s. Logo proOFFICE spol. s r.o. Logo Chemoplast Logo Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace a.s. Logo MAUL - Music Agency Ústí nad Labem Logo Vinson Logo Una Elektra Logo UNIPETROL Logo Condor

Media partners

Logo Logo Mostecké listy Logo iMostecko Logo MF DNES Logo eCho Logo Ponte records